(p.138) The distance from the crest, or peak, of one wave to the next is called a(n) ________.
(p.138) The ________ of a wave is the number of times per second that cycles occur.
(p.138) The closer together the peaks of a wave are, the ________ its frequency is.
(p.138) The ________ of a wave is the height of a crest.
(p.138) It takes ________ violins to sound twice as loud as just one violin.
(p.138) The way our ears respond to changes in sound levels is ________.
(p.138-139) For every perceived change in ________, the sound level must increase many, many times more.
(p.139) The sound pressure level of a jet taking off from 200 feet away is about ________ dB.
(p.139) The abbreviation dB stands for ________
(p.139) Decibels are based on a(n) ________ scale.
(p.139) The minimum change in sound level that most of us can perceive is ________ dB.
(p.139) A(n) ________ dB change in sound level sounds about twice as loud.
(p.140) The frequency of sound is measured in _______, which means cycles per second.
(p.140) A kilohertz (kHz) is ________ cycles per second.
(p.140) A(n) ________ is the interval between any note on the musical scale and the next higher note with the same name.
(p.140) Something that is related in a direct way to something else is said to have a(n) ________ relationship.
(p.140-141) The first system to record and play back sound was the phonograph, which was invented by ________.
(p.142) The more electrons there are on a wire, the higher the ________ is.
(p.142) A(n) ________ converts the air pressure variations of sound waves into a varying voltage called an audio signal.
(p.142) A(n) ________ audio signal consists of binary numbers, which use only the digits 0 and 1.
(p.143) To convert an analog signal to a digital signal, the voltage is measured at regular intervals and assigned a numerical value by an analog-to-digital converter. This process, called ________, is done thousands of times per second.
(p.144) The ________ of an audio signal refers to how many times per second the level of the signal is measured.
(p.144) The sample rate for CD audio is ________ .
(p.144) The sample rate for multimedia applications is ________.
(p.144) The ________ of a digital signal is the number of distinct integer values available to represent the voltage level of an analog signal.
(p.145) CD audio uses ________ resolution, which provides 65,536 (216) possible integer values.
(p.147) If the average level of an audio signal is too high, the peaks will be ________ at the 0 dB level.
(p.146) Clipping causes extreme ________ and should be avoided at all costs.
(p.146) The term ________ refers to how many bits (1s and 0s) are used each second to represent the signal, which is expressed in thousands of bits per second (kbps).
(p.146) Low bit-rates result in small files and ________ sound quality.
(p.146) High bit-rates result in good sound quality and ________ files.
(p.147) The difference between the lowest- and highest-level signals that can be reproduced by an audio system is called the ________.
(p.147) The difference between the level of background noise and the actual audio signal is called the ________ ratio.
(p.147) Which of the following is not an advantage of digital audio:
(p.147) Digital audio at 16 bits can achieve a dynamic range of about ________ dB, compared to less than 80 dB for the best analog systems.
(p.148) Even the best analog systems lose about ________ dB of signal-to-noise ratio when you record a copy.
(p.148) On an audio CD, approximately ________ % of the total capacity is used for error-correction data.
(p.149) Because of the error correction built into CDs, they cannot be damaged.
(p.149) Digital audio in its most basic form is ________, which means the information can be accesed directly by your sound card and most player programs.
(p.149) The CDs you purchase at your local store contain ________ audio.
(p.149) A basic rule of thumb is that uncompressed CD-quality audio will take up about ________ MB of space for every minute of sound.
(p.149) There are two basic categories of compression: lossless and ________.
(p.150) The highest amount of compression that can be achieved on a sound file using a data compression program such as WinZip is less than ________ %.
(p.150) Several lossless compression programs have been developed specifically for audio which can achieve a maximum compression of ________ % (2 to 1).
(p.150) Lossy compression works by discarding unneccessary and ________ audio information which most people can't hear.
(p.151) MP3 is a form of lossy compression that can reduce the size of an uncompressed digital audio file by as much as ________ % (10 to 1) while still retaining a high level of sound quality.
(p.151) The process of converting uncompressed digital audio to a compressed format such as MP3 is known as ________.
(p.151) The software used in the coding and decoding process is referred to as a(n) ________.
(p.151) Regarding files sizes of compressed audio, the primary variable is the ________.
(p.152) Some types of audio, such as human voice and sound effects, will sound perfectly fine at lower sampling rate and a single channel (mono).
(p.153) Choosing mono instead of stereo when creating a compressed audio file in MP3 format will save major space since you're using only one sound channel instead of two.