(p.222) Small programs that run within other programs to add features are called ________.
(p.223) The image of an audio signal as seen in an editing program is called a ________.
(p.223) A waveform shows two important pieces of information: where sound changes in shape and the ________ of a sound at a particular time.
(p.223) With ________ editing, any changes you make are applied immediately to the original sound file.
(p.223) With a ________ editor the edits are stored in a list and applied when the file is viewed or played, allowing you to try many variations and fine-tune your changes without messing up the original file.
(p.227) Editing operations affect only the area of a waveform that is ________.
(p.227) If no area of a waveform is selected, most programs (but not Audacity) will assume you want the operation applied to the entire waveform.
(p.228) If you insert, delete, or move audio whose boundaries are located on ________ points, the edited audio will blend more smoothly with adjacent sections during playback.
(p.228) A digital ________ is an abrupt change in value between adjacent samples.
(p.228) ________ are a way of labeling locations within a waveform.
(p.229) ________ are areas within a waveform identified by special markers at each end.
(p.232) Each time you re-encode a compressed file, you will gain fidelity.
(p.232) DSP stands for ________.
(p.232) Adding ________ is the technical term for increasing the level or amplification (volume) of a signal.
(p.233) With a(n) ________ feature, changes in gain are controlled by the position of a line that appears over the selected waveform.
(p.233) A(n) ________ is a gain change applied over time — it can be used to gradually increase or decrease volume at the beginning or end of a song.
(p.234) The simplest type of ________ scans a file for the highest peak level, and increases the level of the whole waveform so that the peak is at or close to the maximum.
(p.236) The process of adjusting the relative levels of bands of frequencies in an audio signal is called ________.
(p.237) Equalization should always be applied sparingly.
(p.237) A slight boost of 1 to 3 dB in the ________ Hz band can make a vocal track stand out, but a boost of 6 dB or more can make it sound like a telephone.
(p.238) The ________ of a digital audio file is how many times per second the signal is measured.
(p.239) Higher sampling rates allow higher frequencies to be captured and reproduced, resulting in smaller files.
(p.239) The bit depth of a digital audio file (also called ________ ) is the number of bits used to store each sample.
(p.239) Higher bit depths offer more precision and a greater signal-to-noise ratio, but they also result in larger files.
(p.239) When you reduce the bit depth of digital audio to make a smaller file, quantization ________ is added by the conversion process.
(p.239) Increasing the bit depth of a file will not improve the quality of the existing material, but increasing the bit depth before extensive editing and then converting the file back to the original bit depth will provide better quality than if the editing was done at the original lower bit depth.
(p.240) All recordings, no matter how they were created, contain some amount of noise.
(p.241) Noise reduction always does more good than harm.
(p.241) You can never remove all the noise without doing some damage to the audio material.
(p.242) Brief sounds such as clicks, pops, and thumps are known as ________ noises.
(p.242) You can find clicks and pops by listening to the audio file or by zooming in and looking for steep ________ in the waveform.
(p.242) Sounds, such as hiss, that span a wide range of frequencies and thus interfere with a lot of the audio you want to keep are called ________ noise.
(p.242) Noise that is limited to a narrow range of frequencies is called ________ noise.
(p.242) ________ is a continuous noise that has a fixed frequency.
(p.243) Thanks to modern audio editing technology, irregular noises such as traffic and rain mixed in with the audio you want to keep are easy to remove.
(p.243) Short sound recordings or parts of songs that are played back on demand are called ________.
(p.243) Longer samples are usually designed to ________, or repeat over and over.
(p.244) Samples should always end on a(n) ________.
(p.245) A waveform view shows how the energy in a waveform is distributed over time, while a ________ analysis shows how the energy is distributed over a range of frequencies.