(p.13) ________ can have multiple states, such as the up, over, down, and disabled states of a button.
(p.14) The applications you build with Flash Catalyst are ________ applications.
(p.14) Flex is an opensource ________ for building and deploying applications that run on all major web browsers, desktops, and operating systems.
(p.14) ________ is the language developers use to define the layout, appearance, and behaviors in Flex applications.
(p.14) ________ 3.0 is the language used to define the client-side application logic in a Flex application.
(p.14) When you publish a Flash Catalyst project, your MXML and ActionScript are compiled as a ________ file.
(p.15) The Flash Catalyst user interface has two workspaces: ________ and Code.
(p.16) The ________ represents what users see when they view the published application.
(p.16) The Pages/States panel displays a ________ for each page in the application.
(p.16) The Tools panel includes tools for creating, selecting, and ________ objects, including simple lines, shapes, and text.
(p.16) The Layers panel is an organized collection of the ________ in the application (artwork, components, video, and so on).
(p.16) The Library panel displays the entire list of reusable ________ (components, images, media, and optimized graphics) available in the project, including objects that do not appear in any page or state.
(p.16) The Wireframe Components panel includes ready-to-use ________ components with a simple default appearance.
(p.16) The Timelines panel provides controls for creating and editing transitions and ________ sequences.
(p.16) You can also use the Timelines panel to control the playback of video and SWF content, and to add ________ effects.
(p.17) After creating a ________ component, use the Design-Time Data panel to populate it with sample design-time data.
(p.17) Use the Properties panel to edit the properties for ________ objects, such as graphics, text, and components.
(p.17) As you edit components, or parts within a component, Flash Catalyst keeps track of where you are in the project using ________.
(p.17) HUD stands for ________.
(p.18) The Code workspace shows the underlying ________ code, which is generated automatically as you work in Flash Catalyst.
(p.18) The Code workspace is ________, which means that you can only view the code.
(p.19) Flash Catalyst projects have the ________ filename extension.
(p.20) To use a panel, ________ its tab to bring it to the foreground.
(p.20) You can resize a panel by dragging its ________.
(p.20) You can ________ a panel tab to collapse or expand the entire panel or panel group.
(p.21) Depending on the size of your computer monitor and the dimensions of your application, you may need to ________ or pan the artboard as you work.
(p.22) You may find it helpful to pan (move right and left) the artboard, as an alternative to ________. This is especially helpful when zoomed in close.
(p.22) You can pan the artboard using the ________ tool.
(p.22) Before publishing a project, you can run and test the application in a ________.
(p.23) For convenience, you can have as many Flash Catalyst projects as you like open at the same time.