(p.88) Hyperlinks, or ________ for short, are what make Web pages different from other computer documents.
(p.88) Links can be text or ________.
(p.88) Text links typically appear as ________, differently colored words on a page.
(p.88) When a user holds the mouse pointer over a link, the pointer takes the shape of a ________, indicating the presence of an active, clickable link.
(p.89) If your Web page is particularly long, you can provide links to different ________ on the page.
(p.89) You can use two types of links in your HTML documents: absolute and ________.
(p.89 & 90) ________ links use a complete URL to point to a specific page on a specific Web server.
(p.89 & 90) ________ links use shorthand to reference a page and don’t specify the server.
(p.89) You generally use ________ links to reference documents on the same Web site.
(p.89) The HTML code you use to create a link is called an ________tag, consisting of the beginning <A> and the ending </A>.
(p.89) The ________ attribute works within the opening anchor tag to define the URL, or Web address, to which you want to link.
(p.90) Every page on the Web has a unique address called a URL, short for ________.
(p.90) A URL identifies the ________ of the Web server and the directory path to the file on that server.
(p.90) All URLs for Web pages include the standard HTTP (short for ________) prefix, as in http://www.example.com.
(p.90) Since most browsers automatically insert the http:// prefix for you when you type an address such as www.example.com, you don't need to include the prefix when referencing URLs in your HTML.
(p.90) There may be times when you use a prefix other than HTTP in your URLs. If you are linking to a document that resides on a file transfer site, you use the ________ prefix.
(p.90) If you want to create a link that opens an e-mail program, allowing a user to send an e-mail message, you use the ________ prefix.
(p.91) Following the prefix in a URL is the ________ of the Web server where the page is stored. Typically, they correspond to the company or organization hosting your Web page files.
(p.91) In the URL http://www.example.com, “________” is the name of the domain, with “www.” specifying a Web server at that domain.
(p.91) Occasionally you may use a numeric IP (short for ________) address such as in your URL instead of a domain name.
(p.91) Following the domain name in a URL is information about the ________ of the HTML page and the directories (folders) in which the page is stored.
(p.91) The page located at the URL http://www.example.com/pages/home.html has the file name “home.html” and is stored inside a ________ named “pages” on the Web server.
(p.91) You use ________ to separate the domain name, directories, and file name.
(p.91) When you reference a Web site’s home page, you will often leave off the path and file name from a URL, as in http://www.example.com. In such cases, the server returns a default page for the site, usually titled ________, located in the Web server’s root folder.
(p.91) Renaming or rearranging the file structure on your Web server may break ________, requiring you to rewrite the URLs in your HTML.
(p.92) You can create a link in your HTML document that, when ________, takes the visitor to another page on the Web.
(p.92) To create a link, you must first know the ________ of the page to which you want to link, such as http://www.facebook.com.
(p.92) Type <________=”? ”> in front of your link text, replacing ? with the URL of the page to which you want to link. Type </A> at the end of the link text.
(p.92) Any time the user moves the mouse pointer over the link, it takes the shape of a ________.
(p.93) You can link to another page on your site using a ________ link.
(p.93) In a relative link, you can specify the location of the destination page relative to the page that contains the link without specifying the ________ of the server.
(p.93) If a link's destination page is located in the same directory as the containing page, you can simply specify the ________, as in <A HREF=”photos.html”>.
(p.93) If a link's destination page is in a subdirectory (folder) relative to the containing page, you need to specify that ________ as well, as in <A HREF=”media/photos.html”>.
(p.93) When you turn an image into a link, a browser automatically places a ________ around the image.
(p.93) To remove an image link border, type ________ in the <IMG> tag.
(p.94) You can add instructions to an HTML link that tell the browser to open the link page in a new browser ________.
(p.94) You use a ________ attribute within the link anchor element (<A>) to open links in new windows.
(p.94) To make all the links on your page open in new windows, you can use the ________ element.
(p.94) To link to a new window, click within the <A> tag for the link you want to edit and type TARGET=”?”, replacing ? with a ________ for the new window.
(p.94) Other links on your Web page can reference the same target name to open pages in the same new window.
(p.94) If you want a link to open in a new, unnamed window, type “________”.
(p.95) To make all links open in a new window, click between the <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags and type <________="?">, replacing ? with a name for the new window, such as main.
(p.96) You can add links to your page that take the user to another place on the same page. This is particularly useful for ________ documents.
(p.96) To link to places on the same page, you must assign ________ to the areas to which you want to link.
(p.96) Such assigned names are sometimes called ________.
(p.97) It is a good idea to add a link to the bottom of a long page to help the user navigate to the top again without having to ________.
(p.97) You can use this same technique to link to a section on another page. First, name the area on the other page using the <A NAME=”?”> tag and attribute. Then create a link to the page, adding a ________ and then the name of the relative link.
(p.98) You can add links to ________ resources, such as Word document files, spreadsheet files, image files, compressed files, and more.
(p.98) Thanks to special ________, some Web browsers can open certain non-HTML files.
(p.98) For a file that it can’t open, a browser may prompt users to ________ the file on their computers.
(p.100) You can create a link in your Web page that allows users to send a(n) ________ message.
(p.100) It is standard practice to use the e-mail address as the ________. In front of the link text, type <A HREF=”mailto:?”>, replacing ? with the e-mail address you want to use.
(p.100) In front of the link text for an email link, type <A HREF=”________?”>, replacing ? with the e-mail address you want to use.
(p.101) You can use the ________ parameter within the link tag to include a subject line with the e-mail message. When the user clicks the link and the e-mail client opens, the subject area is prefilled.
(p.101) You should use caution when placing a personal e-mail address on a Web page. E-mail addresses on Web pages are notorious magnets for unsolicited e-mail, because such addresses can be harvested automatically by spamming tools that ________ the Web.
(p.102) You assign link colors in the <________> tag.
(p.102) Use the ________ attribute to assign a color to unclicked links.
(p.102) Use the ________ attribute, which stands for active link, to specify the color that appears when a link is being clicked.
(p.102) Use the ________ attribute, which stands for visited link, to change the color of previously clicked links.
(p.103) Can you type color names rather than hexadecimal values? No -- only hexadecimal values work for link colors
(p.103) You can remove the underlining that browsers apply to links using ________, or CSS.