MCOM 351 - Teach Yourself Visually HTML & CSS Chapter 4 - Formatting Text
exam review questions
(p.52) Type ________ in front of the text you want to make bold.
(p.53) Type ________ in front of the text you want to italicize.
(p.54) Use caution when applying underlining to Web pages because some users may mistake the underlined text for a ________.
(p.55) You can change the appearance of your text using the ________ tag, along with the FACE attribute.
(p.55) It is best to assign ________ fonts typically found on most computers, such as Arial.
(p.55) It is a good idea to list more than one font name in the ________ attribute, in case the first font is not available on the viewer’s computer. If the first font you list is not available, the next font will be used.
(p.56) You can change the font size of your Web page text using the ________ attribute.
(p.56) You can specify ________ font sizes in HTML.
(p.56) Font Size 1 creates the ________ text.
(p.56) While the SIZE attribute lets you set the text size for a section of text, the <________> tag lets you set the font size for the entire page.
(p.57) The <BASEFONT> tag does not affect the size of any headings (<H1>) within your Web page text.
(p.57) You can set a size using something other than the seven size levels by using ________ font sizing.
(p.57) If you type a plus (+) or minus (-) sign before a size number, the browser displays text at a size that is relative to the ________ text.
(p.58) The ________ attribute works with the <FONT> tag to change text on a page from the default black to a color.
(p.58) You can specify the color using a ________ value or, for certain common colors, the color’s name.
(p.58) ________ is always a concern when it comes to applying color attributes to text. Be sure to choose a color that is easy to read on a Web page.
(p.58) Use caution when applying colored text to a colored ________. Always test your page to make sure the colors do not clash and your text remains legible.
(p.59) Always precede a hexadecimal value with a ________.
(p.59) HTML coding sets colors using ________-digit hexadecimal values preceded by a number sign (#)
(p.60) By default, the HTML margins are set at approximately ________ pixels.
(p.61) You can add color to the background of the page using the ________ attribute.
(p.61) Within the <________> tag, type BGCOLOR=”?”. Replace ? with a color name or hexadecimal value.
(p.62) You can add a solid line, or horizontal ________, across your page to separate blocks of information.
(p.62) Horizontal rules must occupy a line by themselves and cannot appear within a ________.
(p.62) You can define the thickness and length of a horizontal line using the SIZE and ________ attributes.
(p.62) Type ________ where you want to insert a horizontal rule.
(p.63) Within the <HR> tag, type WIDTH=”?%”, replacing ? with the ________ of the page you want the rule to extend across.
(p.63) You can set a numeric value to set the width of a rule in ________.
(p.63) By default, the browser displays horizontal rules with shading, giving the lines a three-dimensional effect. To remove the shading, add the ________ attribute to your <HR>.
(p.63) You can insert the ________ attribute and assign a color value to a line.