MCOM 351 - Teach Yourself Visually HTML & CSS Chapter 2 - Creating Your First HTML Page
exam review questions
(p.18) The <HTML> and </HTML> tags at the beginning and end of a text document identify it as HTML ________.
(p.18) When a browser encounters the <HTML> and </HTML> tags, it knows that anything within the two tags defines a ________.
(p.18) You can add a ________ declaration to specify which tags a browser can expect to see in your HTML document.
(p.18) The ________ DOCTYPE is the most inclusive, incorporating both current tags and older tags that have been phased out, or deprecated.
(p.18) Older tags that have been phased out are said to be ________.
(p.19) You use the ________ of an HTML document to add descriptive and accessory information to your Web page.
(p.19) The document header tags, <HEAD> and </HEAD>, immediately follow the opening ________ tag.
(p.19) The document header contains information that does not appear in the browser window, including title information, metadata, scripts, and ________.
(p.19) You can add a ________ to your HTML document to help people and search engines identify your Web page.
(p.19) Most Web browsers display the title in the browser window’s ________ bar.
(p.19) The <TITLE> and </TITLE> tags define a page title and appear inside the document ________.
(p.19) ________ means “data about data.”
(p.19) You place metadata inside the document ________.
(p.19) The visible content that makes up your Web page, including paragraphs, lists, tables, and images, lives in the ________ of your HTML document.
(p.19) The body of the document is identified by the <BODY> and </BODY> tags.
(p.19) The body of a document comes after the ________ of a document.
(p.20) You use sets of HTML tags to define the basic ________ of your page.
(p.20) The <HTML>, <HEAD>, and <TITLE> tags are basic ________ that appear at the beginning of all HTML documents.
(p.21) Placing tags on their own lines can help make your code more ________.
(p.21) Browsers ignore extra ________ in the code when rendering Web pages.
(p.21) It is usually easier to start your HTML document by typing the basic structural tags, which include the <HTML>, <HEAD>, and <________> tags.
(p.21) Does it matter if you type your tags in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case?
(p.24) When saving a Web page, you must use the .html file extension.
(p.24) When naming a Web page, it is best not to use spaces and to keep the characters limited to letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and ________.
(p.24) If you are creating a home page for a Web site, it is common to name the page ________.html.
(p.25) While Web browsers and servers can read either either the .html or .htm extension, you probably want to opt for ________ because it is more universally used.
(p.25) When naming a file, it is a good idea to keep the name simple so that you can easily ________ it and locate it again later.
(p.25) Because you need to type file names when creating ________, it is best to use a name that relates to the pages you are designing.
(p.26) Your Web browser can view HTML pages that you have saved on your computer as well as pages on the Internet.
(p.27) All popular Web browsers are set up to view HTML pages that you have saved on your computer, also known as ________ pages.
(p.28) The ________ version of HTML is the most inclusive. It has all the standard structural elements as well as older tags that have been phased out of the current standard.
(p.29) Most popular browsers can display your page without a DOCTYPE declaration; however, if you are using a ________ tool to check your page for proper form, the tool may require that you include a declaration so that it knows what type of HTML it should check your page against.
(p.29) CSS stands for ________.
(p.30) You can add ________ to your page to include extra descriptive information that does not appear in the browser window.
(p.30) What you insert in metadata tags can help ________ categorize your page.
(p.30) You define metadata in the document header using the <________> tag.
(p.31) The only way users can see your metadata information is if they view the HTML ________ for the page.
(p.31) To view the HTML code of any page in your browser window, click View and then ________.