Photoshop CS5 Classroom In A Book Lesson 3 - Working with Selections
exam review questions
(p.68) Drag the ________ tool around an area to trace a freehand selection.
(p.68 & 69) The ________ tool "paints" a selection by automatically finding and following defined edges in the image.
(p.68 & 78) The ________ tool selects parts of an image based on the similarity in color of adjacent pixels.
(p.70) Once you've made a ________ , any changes you make apply exclusively to the pixels within. The rest of the image is not affected by those changes.
(p.70) To move a selected image area to another part of your composition, you use the ________ tool.
(p.72) To reposition a selection border while creating it, hold down the ________ (while you continue to hold down the mouse button) and drag.
(p.72 & 73) On a Mac, the keyboard shortcut that temporarily switches the active tool to the Move tool, so you don’t need to select it from the Tools panel, is to hold down the ______ key.
(p.73) You can make minor adjustments to the position of selected pixels using the ________ keys to nudge them.
(p.73) When you hold down the shift key while pressing an arrow key, a selection moves ________ pixels instead of one.
(p.75) On a Mac, to make a rectangular or elliptical selection by drawing from the center point to the outside, click and begin dragging. Then, without releasing the mouse button, press ________ and continue dragging.
(p.75) When holding down a modifier key while dragging, which do you release first:
the mouse button
the key you're holding down
(p.86) On a Mac, to move and duplicate a selection at the same time, hold down the ______ key while dragging the selection with the move tool. The pointer becomes a double arrow, which indicates a duplicate will be made when you move the selection (Note: This key also works like this in Illustrator, Flash, and many other programs.).
(p.78) Dragging with the Move tool to copy selections within or between images saves memory because the ________ is not used as it is with the Copy, Copy Merged, Cut, and Paste commands.
(p.78) The ________ option sets the sensitivity of the Magic Wand tool.
(p.82) You can use the ________ tool to make freehand selection of areas with high-contrast edges.
(p.82) When using the Magnetic Lasso tool you can control the selection path by occasionally ________ the mouse to place anchor or fastening points in the selection border.
(p.83) You can remove fastening points by pressing ________ and moving the mouse back to the last remaining fastening point.
(p.84) You can use either the Crop tool or the Crop ________ to crop an image.
(p.86) _____________ smooths the jagged edges of a selection by softening the color transition between edge pixels and background pixels.
(p.86) ________ blurs selection edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and its surrounding pixels.
(p.87) The ________ dialog box has options to improve selection edges by softening, feathering, or expanding them, or increasing their contrast.
(p.90) It’s good to save your selections on discrete ________ — especially when you’ve spent time and effort creating them — so that you can easily retrieve them.
(p.90) A drop shadow is an example of a ________ effect.
(p.91) To remove a layer effect, drag the effect ________ to the Delete Layer button at the bottom of the Layers panel.