MCOM 315 - Computer Production & Imaging

Write an essay giving your opinion about what degree of manipulation of photographs should be allowed in photojournalism. Initially, base your argument on the following article (and its comments):

Then read 5 other articles on this topic after performing this search:

Follow these guidelines:

  • Your essay must be at least one double-spaced page long, but may be longer, and typed in Microsoft Word.
  • On a separate page, list the web addresses of the 5 additional articles you read.
  • Under each web address, copy a representative sentence from the article (or comments, if any) and paste it into your paper.
  • Submit your Word document via the uploading project files page.
  • Up to 3 extra credit points can be awarded based on the merits of your argument, the persuasiveness of your writing, and how closely you followed the guidelines.
