Welcome to this online
course. I'm sure you will enjoy this convenient way to learn and earn college
credit. Please
email me as soon as possible to tell me your name and class and to verify that you've read and understand this information.
In this course you will learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, the leading vector illustration program in the graphic arts field. To become skilled with Illustrator you obviously need access to the program, whether at home or somewhere else (at work or another school), or use it in the BHSU Mass Communications lab, Jonas 207. A 30-day free trial of Illustrator is available, but that is not enough time to complete the course. If you wish to have access to Illustrator at home, you will need to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. Details are here.
Besides having access to the program, you need to enroll in MyGraphicsLab (MGL) online coursework. We will be using the CS5 version, since it is backward compatible with CS6 and Creative Cloud, whichever version you may have access to. The enrollmant procedure is described in detail in the syllabus, which you will find by clicking the appropriate tab above. The course textbook, Adobe Illustrator CS5 Classroom in a Book, is included as an online electronic book (eText) with your enrollment in MyGraphicsLab, which you can purchase online.
- Work through the book chapters and complete the exercises. Since a completed version of each chapter exercise is included in the downloadable work files for each chapter, those
exercises are
not handed in -- they are for practice only. You should complete each chapter according to the course schedule.
- The midterm and final exams will be in MyGraphics Lab and will be based on the MyGraphicsLab quiz
The midterm and final projects must be completed at the same time as the exams.
To hand in your projects for grading follow the instructions on this page. Do not use the MGL document sharing or D2L dropbox.
If you have any questions or problems with this website, contact me.
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